Justin Carpentier

Inria, École normale supérieure, Paris, France.

Me and UaUa

Me and Uarior, a very brave puppy learning to become a guide dog.


I’m a robotics researcher at Inria, attached to the Computer Science department at ENS. Since August 2023, I’m the team leader of the Willow research group. My research activities revolves around Robotics, Perception, Machine Learning, Optimization and Control.

In September 2024, I have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant for my research project ARTIFACT, standing for The ARTIficial Motion FACTory. ARTIFACT will start in 2025. If you are interested to join this adventure, don’t hesitate to contact me.

In September 2018, I joined the Willow research group as a postdoctoral researcher fellow. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher fellow inside the Gepetto research group at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse, France. From 2014 to 2017, I was a PhD candidate in the same Gepetto research group. My research was at this time devoted to the understanding of the computational fundations of anthropomorphic locomotion. On one side, I highligthed some mechanismes underlying bipedalism among human beings. On the other side, I developed new mathematical formulations for the locomotion of humanoid robots.

I received my degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics with highest honor from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in 2013. In 2014, I was a visiting student inside the Optimization in Robotics and Biomechanics group with Katja Mombaur at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Open positions

At Willow, we always seek for talented post-doc candidates and engineers to work with us on challenging robotic problems. Fill this form and I will come back to you to discuss about our various opportunities.


In February 2023, I gave a talk to the IEEE RAS TC on Model-based Optimization for Robotics entitled Progress and Prospects in Optimisation for Learning and Control in Robotics, which highlights our recent contributions to the field.

Main collaborators

My reseach is done in collaboration with: Francis Bach, Adrien Taylor, Stéphane Caron, Jean Ponce, Cordelia Schmid, Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev for the Machine Learning and Vision aspects.

PhD students

I have also the pleasure to work with passionate and inspiring students:



PhD visitors


In the past, I used to collaborate with Jean-Paul Laumond, Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse, Mehdi Bennalegue, Andrea Del Prete and Steve Tonneau for the Robotics perspectives.


I’m also the main developper of many Robotics software, among them: